
Do you always have to say something? I think I´m suffering of moodswings, one minute I can be huging everybody and the next I just want to kill them. I seriously don´t think that´s normal. In some documentries I´ve heard that it can depend on the food, but I don´t eat anything particulary unhealthy! Maybe it´s a teenage thing. Like yesterday, I was really happy but then the next secund I just felt like I wanted to weep. It´s strange and it´s effecting my friends in the way that they´re a little terrefied of me. I´ve always been strong and had a hot temper so I gues that they´re doing the right thing, I don´t want to hit them in a normal cause. But sometimes I just let the mood get the best of me. At thouse situasions I can say some mean things that can bite there head of (english way of saying that you give them something they can not return, in words I mean). I just don´t know how I can get rid of it. I´ve been hot tempered my entire life, but this week was one of the worst in my life.
Didn't notice that big chance...You always want kill everybody somethimes. Well I'm hot tempered too, so...big deal!! I hope you don't include me in those who's "terrified", or I'll whack you one!=)
Okej, blir förvirrad av all engelska, men, men.. :P
E inte rädd för dig^^ O att ha humörsvängningar, va e det för fel på det? Alla har det...sen att du har det oftare e nåt man får tas med hahaha. Vi älskar dig för den du är :)
well if you write in english I feel like I have to answer back in english. It's your fault from the beginning!=)
Guess I will answere in english aswell then. I got the same thing, one sec I am really happy the next I think about the best way to kill myself.
People tell me it's just phase in life, so I guess it will end some time...When? I dont know really, but I really hope it's soon.
Isnt anything wrong with having moodswings really..just one way to get the anger/sadness etc out of you system.
Talking to people about tihngs that bother you is another way to "avoid" it.
Vet att det kanske är sent att skriva en kommentar men, ville bara säga att du är inte den enda som har humörsvängningar(om stavar det så).. =)