I tried to feel,
As I made the deal.
I tried to smile,
As I told a lie.
I tried to do right,
As I started a fight.
I tried to feel the sorrow,
As I forget about tomorrow.

So cold as if you where broken,
Like the Devil´s word never spoken.
Thorns sharp as blades,
While your beauty never fades.
Like the reflection in the water.
You appearense is getting darker.
The eyes are still so empty,
But the face says that you´ve seen plenty.
As the wind blowing in the trees,
The roses never brakes like these.
Standing strong as no other,
They can´t see why you bother.
Dem här dikterna skrev jag i skolan vid olika tillfällen då jag har haft tråkigt.
As I made the deal.
I tried to smile,
As I told a lie.
I tried to do right,
As I started a fight.
I tried to feel the sorrow,
As I forget about tomorrow.

So cold as if you where broken,
Like the Devil´s word never spoken.
Thorns sharp as blades,
While your beauty never fades.
Like the reflection in the water.
You appearense is getting darker.
The eyes are still so empty,
But the face says that you´ve seen plenty.
As the wind blowing in the trees,
The roses never brakes like these.
Standing strong as no other,
They can´t see why you bother.
Dem här dikterna skrev jag i skolan vid olika tillfällen då jag har haft tråkigt.